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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Admin Thrembo is prophesized to restore the soyjaks former home, /qa/. Svvt is kind of doing this with qaculture, plus we may sort of peacefully reunite with the frogs, gigachads, and weabs.
Svvt also has an entire scrape of the Shemmybooru (proof will be linked in a reply), so he may form a 'ru independent from Frootcord's influence like how Admin Thrembo is stated to do. I don't know how Svvt will uplift the Sharty from corruption, but at least he's made great progress on reconstructing /qa/ in its pre-Sharty state.
24 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Do you even know who BBGhast is


Probably another shartycuck snca idk


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Was this supposed to be an own?

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>the only wasted vote is a vote not cast


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libertarians when i tell them a yellow wave is coming but it's just my piss lol:


yup lolbertxistas we might as well just give up…. this guys piss won….

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theres a sad story in 6 words. baby shoes, never worn, for sale. this is the saddest story in shortest words there is. but there is a flaw. its too long.
ive made one in two words.
neil died.
did that shimber ur timbers? geewillikers your gadzooks?

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>you can't spam hardcore porn because… YOU JUST CAN'T OKAY!?

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bet you can't out-dance me


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>Friday night in venezuela funkin' all night


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I'll switch it up this time


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niggers the niggers

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>weab mafia is dead


Blame the chinnychinks and 'p niggers for driving most of them off


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>weab mafia was revived via necromancy


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>he doesn't know


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woahjack and toad board


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post TFW (that face when) woahjack spammers in your blacked loli hentai threads

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>It's a love song that changes what "love" is


>>what "love" is

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dead nigger


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welcome 2 da kway, we have 10 posts per day

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Kill yourself trannyjannies



Furfags should get the 1488 GET

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>Cobson is coal


cordson shill dni


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>cordson shill dni


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He was never forgiven for this old post

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sinister is /qa/ culture


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Nah, that too foodist/ O9A
I'd say movie would be /qa/ culture


Foodism is based stfu


Whatever if you're just being ironic about pedo stuff go ahead but don't get into the illegal side *sigh*


58 posts and 38 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Not post anything that is illegal in Romania (CSAM, animal abuse, lolicon etc)


that wasn't lolicon and holy shit what a rulescucked shithole


it wasn't lolicon it was the normal regular soylita people avatarfag with


agreed, me and you should all go back to the superior chud.win because of how rulecucked this place is and and never come here ever again



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all things considered i think this site is a good runner up for the true successor to 4qa


I've wanted a /qa/ site for so long that focused on the latter era and not just moe or soijaks for so long I'm just glad there's something now

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This is /qa/ culture.

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