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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1730882920709.png (67.75 KB, 190x255, 1730882913961.png)


>English as a failed language

File: 1730882782212.png (1.41 MB, 1247x935, 1730882766300.png)


>English as a shitalian language


Okay okay… that's enough.

File: 1730882725889.png (2.28 MB, 1920x1798, 1730882714921.png)


>English as a deformed language

File: 1730882616031.png (456.77 KB, 1319x2065, 1730882606177.png)


>English as an obsessed language


O algo

File: 1730882586296.jpg (3.44 MB, 4080x2569, woaaah.jpg)


>English as a thrembillionth language

File: 1730882510451.png (3.11 MB, 1800x1000, 1730882500036.png)


>Language as a second english

File: 1730882438337.png (265.13 KB, 598x750, 1730882436730.png)


>English as a burger or something

File: 1730882343442.png (273.96 KB, 400x400, 1730882333830.png)


>English as a goonable language

File: 1730882254042.png (140.84 KB, 252x255, 1730882243480.png)


>English as an unimplemented language

File: 1730882212809.png (2.49 MB, 2048x2048, 1730882202418.png)


>English as an unlockable language

File: 1730882145571.png (212.35 KB, 1024x1024, 1730882073939.png)


>English as a secret language

File: 1730882039421.png (173.85 KB, 888x1000, 1730882025085.png)


>English as a big brap

File: 1730881925016.png (1011.09 KB, 1518x1518, jassynig.png)


>English as sqrt(-1)


File: 1730882011877.png (23.24 KB, 144x118, 1730881925016.png)

Hey that's the loli i posted, gollyaryans just keep winning

File: 1730881958291.png (288.67 KB, 696x763, 1730881950298.png)


>English as a fictional language

File: 1730881884598.png (101.75 KB, 631x656, 1730881876794.png)


>English as a BBC

File: 1730881848085.png (369.87 KB, 768x719, 1730881825773.png)


>English as a 404 Not Found error

File: 1730881762110.png (532.58 KB, 1280x1280, 1730881749792.png)


>English as a number

File: 1730880622781.png (831.01 KB, 2396x5529, 1724796186648582.png)


Recent ben garrison


File: 1730881232503.mp4 (4.47 MB, 1920x1080, TFD.mp4)

Lanatullah on you


You're cursing people for small sins, itaqiallah

File: 1730825686251.jpg (27.17 KB, 600x800, 62f.jpg)


Site's looking more antimatter than ever since the Jassy and Chinny raids.


send them all back to discord




the site was a dead nigger before chinnygods came


KYS O9Anigger

File: 1730881693249.png (104.56 KB, 862x851, 1730881690555.png)


>English as an impossible language

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