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File: 1731239204588.png (687.96 KB, 4758x1874, ClipboardImage.png)


new 'toss




what the fuck are both of these males???


thats not an argument buddy
it doesnt have to be any specific person


i can the blonde's penis and there is no way that other person can "plap" him if he wasn't a male kys fag




why were you looking at her penis


also it looked hot that's why i did lol


>her penis looked hot


>blonde twink getting fucked
Wtf is that poly????


File: 1731239943520.png (977.74 KB, 1105x1036, erica2.png)

Trannies think like porn addicted men, because they are porn addicted men.


File: 1731239998233.png (977.74 KB, 1105x1036, erica2.png)

Also, this comic made me hard


i meant the porn because i thought that was a woman retard, why does that blond have boobs


oh its a fucking tranny


File: 1731240066505.png (354.74 KB, 526x588, erica3.png)

kill yourself falseflagger. Project 2025 will ERRADICATE people like you.


File: 1731240125330.png (354.74 KB, 526x588, erica3.png)

As a trans woman I support Project 2025 because it means that I can get raped by racist cishet white men, nyaaa :3

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